01.      Apprentices Act, 1961


02.      Apprenticeship Rules, 1991


03.      Beedi and Cigar Workers (Condition of Employment) Act, 1966


04.      Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976


05.      Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Rules, 1976


06.      The building and other construction workers (regulation of employment and conditions of service) Act, 1996.


07.      [OMITTED]


08.      The Central Administrative Tribunal Act, 1985.


09.      The Central Administrative Tribunal Rules, 1987.


10.      Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986.


11.      Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Rules, 1988.


12.      Cine Workers and Cinema Theatre Workers (Regulation of Employment) Act,1981


13.      Cine Workers and Cinema Theatre Workers (Regulation of Employment) Rules, 1984.


14.      Children Pledging of Labour Act,1933.


15.      Contract Labour (Regulation and abolition) Act, 1970.


16.      Contract Labour (Regulation and abolition) Central Rules, 1971.


17.      Central Trade Union Regulation 1938.


18.      Delhi Shop and Establishment Act,1954.


19.      Dock Workers (Regulation and Employment) Act,1948


20.      Dock Workers (Regulation and Employment) Rules, 1962.


21.      The Dock Workers (Safety, Health And Welfare) Act, 1986.


22.      Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952.


23.      Employees Provident Fund Scheme 1952.


24.      Employees Deposit Link Insurance Scheme 1976.


25.      Employees Pension Scheme, 1995.


26.      Employees State Insurance Act, 1948.


27.      Employees State Insurance (Central) Rules, 1950


28.      Employers Liability Act, 1938.


29.      Employment Exchange (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act, 1959.


30.      Employment Exchange (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Rules, 1960.


31.      Equal Remuneration Act, 1976.


32.      Equal Remuneration Rules, 1976.


33.      Factories Act, 1948.


34.      Industrial Dispute Act, 1947.


35.      Industrial Dispute (Central) Rules, 1957.


36.      Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946.


37.      Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Central Rules, 1946.


38.      Interstate Migrant Workman (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1979.


39.      Interstate Migrant Workman (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Central Rules, 1980.


40.      The Labour Laws (Exemption from furnishing Returns and Maintaining Registers by certain Establishments) Act, 1988.


41.      Maternity benefit Act, 1961.


42.      Minimum Wages Act 1948


43.      Minimum Wages (Central) Rules, 1950.


44.      Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961.


45.      Mines Act, 1952.


46.      Payment of Bonus Act1965,


47.      Payment of Bonus Rules, 1975.


48.      Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.


49.      Payment of Gratuity (Central) Rules, 1972.


50.      Payment of Wages Act 1936,


51.      Plantation Labour Act, 1951.


52.      Sales Promotion Employees (Conditions of Service) Act, 1976.


53.      Sales Promotion Employees (Conditions of Service) Rules, 1976.


54.      Trade Unions Act, 1926.


55.      Weekly Holiday Act, 1942


56.      Working Journalists and other Newspapers Employees (Condition of Service and    Miscellaneous provisions) Act, 1955


57.      Working Journalists and other Newspapers Employees (Condition of Service and Miscellaneous provisions) Rules, 1957.


58.      Workman Compensation Act, 1923.


59.      Workman Compensation Rules, 1924.